AAPM Europe Official Project Management

AAPM ® Italy EU Offices-AAPM ® EU
President: Salvagni Enrico
ABEI © is "Campus and Examination Center" per AAPM ® Italy EU Offices - AAPM ®
EU Chapter. since 2011 and GAFM (Global Academy of Finance and Management Exam Center) Chartered
LLC GAFM & IBS & AAPM is certified by TUV Austria according the ISO 29990 ISO 90001 for Design,
certification and provision of business, finance & management, health and safety training courses.
Continuous Professional Development is Accredited and ISO Certified
for Quality and ISO Certified for Training.GAFM (Global Academy of Finance and Management Exam Center)
Chartered LLC GAFM & IBS & AAPM trough the Exam Center located in ABEI- Milan.
ABEI and GAFM & IBS & AAPM are accredited by TUV
http://www.tuv.it/it-en for the
International accreditation with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17024”. The accreditation will come with Accredia
(recognized by Italy Government).
ABEI has signed the framework agreement with TUV AUSTRIA for certification of
persons; the ABEI certification/certificates issued by TÜV AUSTRIA are secured by interest groups,
corporations, training facilities and universities see web page: http://www.theabei.eu/index.php/primo-piano
Any Member of AAPM, MPM and any other holder of AAPM Certification are
entitled to join ABEI and consequently have a reciprocity with the Singapore Institute of Engineering
Technologists (SIET).
Mr Enrico Salvagni, Dr Eng, MSEE Chartered Environmentalist (UK), MIEnvSc Chartered Scientist(UK), MEMgt, MPM ™ Master Project Manager ™,
FAAPM™ ,MSE-MIET (UK), FABEI (I), Ingénieurs Professionnel de France
IPF, MI-Membre Individuel des Ingenieurs et Scientifiques de
France (Cote d'Azur ), Certificats de
Qualification Professionnelle (CQP) SNIPF, Consulting
Italian Representative- California University FCE (USA.
Member of the Global Advisory Board of the AAPM http://www.certifiedprojectmanager.us/board.html
Enrico is Vice President of the Association of British Engineers in Italy,
http://www.abei.org/go/Home/English ABEI is a Business Partners of IET (UK) http://www.theiet.org/ He is
also The duly Italian Representative of California University FCE http://www.cufce.edu.tc/
Enrico has a worldwide varied consulting experience, ranging from the
activity as a Project Engineers to Site Manager and Site Representative across the realization of Bulk
Handling System for Power Plants, PVD Salt Plant realization, Chemical Industry for NaOH concentration and
flaking, Biomass Handling in co-firing Plant etc."
“The MPM Certification ( Master in Project Management) is considered as a
professional career, which represents the professional interests of those with responsibilities, at all
levels, for the prediction, planning and control of resources and cost for activities that involve
engineering, manufacturing, and construction, by recognized Institutions in Europe , like for example the
Société Nationale des Ingénieurs Professionnels de France SNIPF (FR) as part of the informations which can
be included in the Dossier , as a formal evaluation criteria ,
For obtaining their “ Professionnal Engineer Certificate of Competence /
Certificat De Compétence d’Ingénieur Professionnel (CDCIP)”.